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Oliver Blakemore
1 min read
Blogging and Content
The blog about blogging will be short. Let that be a lesson to you: use the words you need. Save up the rest. People love stories.

Kristina Marie
2 min read
Instagram, Imagery, and Video
People love imagery. People really love video. We’re a visually responsive species.

Oliver Blakemore
3 min read
Town Square-Building Places for Your Tribe to Hang Out
The magic sauce of your marketing is figuring out how to create the version of Where the Cool Kids Hang Out that suits your brand. Malls...

Kristina Marie
2 min read
Four Basics of Content Marketing
A written plan for your marketing strategy is much more likely to succeed.It’s too big to go into one blog. Let's start with four things.

Oliver Blakemore
1 min read
Time for Some Battle Tactics! I mean, MarketingTactics!
From the outside, effective marketing looks effortless. Effective marketing looks like a company engaging in casual conversation with its...

Kristina Marie
2 min read
Tipping Point to a Circular Economy Business Model-- Livity Yoga
Renee Manzari founded Livity Yoga to heal the planet through its sustainable, durable, and recyclable yoga gear.

Kristina Marie
3 min read
Building Habits and The Art of 10 Minutes a Day
The Art of Wielding 10 Minutes a Day (or even 20 minutes) can completely, and quite immediately, improve anyone's physical and mental health

Kristina Marie
2 min read
I seek your Tipping Point Story
What do I mean when i ask about your Tipping Point? It's that phenomenal point upon crossing the Chasm. Traipsing over the Threshold...

Oliver Blakemore
4 min read
The Day we helped make A Day a National Day
Established in 2022 by Alvin Lee Smalls of Lee Lee’s Baked Goods in Harlem, NY, National Rugelach Day will be celebrated on April 29th.

Kristina Marie
4 min read
Calling all Rugelach Newbies!
National Rugelach Day is worthy of a gastronomic adventure and where better to sample them than in one of the most celebrated NYC bakeries
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