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Join Fresh Pressed Coffee. We like growing things as much as you do!

Writer's picture: NicholasNicholas

Come with us on a journey, if you will, about how every cup of coffee can be the best kind of currency there is. It buys you that caffeinated kick for whenever you please, quick and easy. Now imagine that it also affords our community the means to donate to causes such as education for a coffee farmer's kid, or a musical instrument for a kid somewhere in America, or it could even facilitate a much needed Therapy Dog for vets. The ideas are boundless. Let's grow this thing together.

The ideas are boundless. Let's grow this thing together.

What can one solitary caffeinated person really do?

Plenty, actually.

Our idea is very simple, as many of the best ideas tend to be: Every time you order a bag of Fresh Pressed Coffee you are pouring the love along to our Impact Partners.

We at Fresh Pressed Coffee are on a Mission of 1 Million Bags.

Sipping responsibly goes beyond your sugar choices or knowing the origin of your beans: it is choosing a cause that is near and dear to your heart and knowing that with every cuppa joe, you are giving back to the community...and love to the world!

Wait, are you a roaster or local business?

You, too can make a huge difference to our Fresh Pressed Coffee Initiative.

The 1 million bag drive is our commitment in partnering with passion led organizations/communities like TADSAW to help raise awareness with our platforms pressing together toward a stronger tomorrow! A portion of proceeds will be committed toward the fulfilment of their 3,000 Teams Initiative (which they are currently at about 1280 teams).

Do YOU have a cause you feel strongly about?

Is there a Coffee Roaster you would like to involve in this community project, with coffee at the heart of it?

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Follow us in Instagram and comment with hashtag #freshpressedcoffee on any Instagram post or video by us or someone else and we will seek them out straightaway

  2. Subscribe to our Coffee Tribe Newsletter (it won't spam you!) and send us anyone you want featured.

  3. Tell us in this easy peasy Fresh Pressed Coffee Form:




Meet The CONTENT Team

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We now avoid the term "digital hacks". It's a long story as to why; but in a previous incarnation of our Think Digital Blog, this is what Persephone writes about: The deep dark secrets of digital marketing that they don't teach in Uni Classes or books. Expect Think Tank Tactics and how to Spring-Clean your content anytime of the year.

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Have you heard the saying that "When Mercury is in Retrograde, everything descends into chaos"? This applies to calendars not syncing, Dropbox folders discombobulating and Logins not working. Mercury writes about Productivity Tactics and automation. He writes for Think Tank Tactics (aka "Knowledge Library") also.

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In Greek Mythology, Athena was the Goddess of Wisdom and War. A wildly beloved guardian of knowledge, Athena is our #ThinkDigital Editor in Chief for Think Tank Tactics. She also writes about her decades of experience in Beauty and Global Strategy while Battling challenges in the deeper meaning of Diversity & Multiculuralism.

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